Rebuilding of
Ukrainian Cities Green:
biomaterials and eco-technologies
International urban development program in the framework of the New European Bauhaus
Check out the hackathon assignments, choose an interesting task, accept the challenge, and register your team for the competition!
We received more than 20 applications from communities and municipalities from Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Rivne and other regions. Based on the analysis of the applications, we have identified cases that will be the focus of solutions during this urban hackathon. According to these projects, we have identified 3 key topics on which we will focus our efforts.
Industrial parks
and eco-housing
Objective: Transform industrial zones into eco-friendly spaces and sources of sustainable economic activity. Foster sustainable urban living.

Shortlisted cases:
  • Rivne regional administration
  • Ternopil city council
  • Podilsk Regional Development Agency
  • Borodyanka Territorial Community

Generic case:
Podilsk Regional Development Agency: Green Energy Circular Industrial park
Rehabilitation Centers
Objective: Enhance healthcare infrastructure and develop accessible and modern rehabilitation facilities.

Shortlisted cases:
  • Ternopil region, Shumska TG (children's health center)
  • Slavutych City Council (healthcare complex)
  • Dnipropetrovska oblast, Apostolivska TG (rehabilitation center)

Generic case:
Dnipro region, Apostolove TG: Rehabilitation center for adults and children
Educational and
cultural institutions
Objective: Enrich cultural and educational landscapes and foster vibrant, inclusive communities.

Shortlisted cases:
  • Ternopil region, Velyka Berezivka (secondary education institution)
  • Ternopil City Council (educational complex with service center)
  • Podil Regional Development Agency (training camp for IDPs)

Generic case:
Podil Regional Development Agency: Training camp for internally displaced persons
  • Create conditions for sustainable rebuilding in Ukraine, aligning with the European Green Deal.
  • To integrate sustainable, eco-friendly building practices using biomaterials, such as straw, and eco-technologies in the reconstruction of Ukrainian urban areas.
Podil Regional Development Agency: Green Energy Circular Industrial park
Dnipro region, Apostolove TG:
Rehabilitation center for adults and children
Podil Regional Development Agency: Training camp for internally displaced persons
All cases have a strong social component and are related to the topic of internal displacement of Ukrainians.

As a result of the Hackathon, the teams should develop a comprehensive proposal for the selected case. The comprehensive proposal includes: architectural and engineering vision, as well as a constructive solution with biomaterials, a description of integrated eco-technologies, an implementation budget, and a description of the team's skills required to implement the project.

Straw is an ideal material for circular construction, a byproduct of agricultural production. As a leading grain producer, Ukraine has an abundant straw supply, making it a valuable resource for sustainable building.

Why straw?
• Straw panels enhance the ESG profile of buildings, offering high energy efficiency, a healthy indoor climate, and rapid construction due to prefabricated panel technology.
• This quick assembly is a significant advantage, which is why we mandate the use of straw panels in Hackathon projects. Our partner, Modulina, will provide the winning project with high-quality, European-certified straw panels for the pilot project.
SYNCHRO SPACE develops cities and solves urban challenges through innovative projects and cooperation with teams of leading experts.

Since 2018, we have been cooperating with 12 cities and territorial communities in Ukraine, three regional administrations, four ministries, embassies, UNDP, USAID, and other international partners.
Who we are?
FIABCI UKRAINE is the Ukrainian representative office of FIABCI International.

FIABCI International is a global platform that brings together global real estate professionals from more than 42 countries. The mission of FIABCI is to provide opportunities for gaining new knowledge, building cooperation, and entering new markets.
We offer more than partnership or sponsorship. It's an opportunity to contribute to the rebuilding of Ukrainian cities. Join us in creating a lasting impact on the urban landscape and positioning your brand as a trailblazer in innovation.

Those who create the cities of the future are with us!

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